*NEW* MASTERCLASS: How to Eat Intuitively with Science & Spirituality

And Heal the Subconscious Roots of Your Dieting, Binge Eating, and Obsessing

During this free training, you'll learn:

  • How to identify the subconscious root cause struggles of restricting, binge eating, and obsessing (and how to shift, rewire, and heal on the subconscious level)
  • How to deal with the emotional guilt, shame, obsession, and stress of food (so you can let that sh*t go and eat with peace, ease, and mindfulness)
  • How to confidently choose what to eat, when, and how much so it nourishes your physical, mental, and spiritual bodies (aka ending the exhausting cycle of restricting, bingeing, and "getting back on track tomorrow")
Register here!

If you're ready to stop letting food control your life so you can eat intuitively and experience food freedom that lasts - no more weighing, counting, obsessing, or spiraling out of control - RSVP now for this exclusive, free, invite-only workshop!

Register Now!

Hey hey, I'm your host!

Sloane Elizabeth


I’m Sloane Elizabeth, a food freedom coach, holistic wellness expert, and creator of the Eat with Love & Intuition method. I help women heal their relationships with food using science and spirituality so they can finally ditch obsession, guilt, shame, and restrictive control for good. Unlike other coaches, I will never tell you what to eat or how to live - instead, I empower my clients to tap into their soul’s intuition and unique body cues in order to make the most aligned, high-vibe decisions for their holistic health.

I've helped over 200 women on 5 continents heal their relationships with food, body image, and self-love - whether you've been struggling for 2 decades or 2 months, I can help you find peace + joy with food again.

Pssst! Stay until the end for special bonuses! 🍪

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