The Binge-Free Bootcamp

3 Weeks to Stop Binge Eating. Enroll Now.

Binge eating is truly the worst.

But you can put an end to this now.

  • Buying a pint of ice cream and knowing it will be gone by tomorrow
  • Sneaking and eating in hiding...and then destroying the wrappers and the evidence
  • Feeling out of control with food - like you just can't stop - even though you know you're full
  • The tunnel vision that happens when there's food in front of you - it feels like food controls your life
  • The daily or nightly discomfort of feeling WAY too full...and beating yourself up for "messing this up" yet again
  • Anxiously searching for ANY answer to stop the binges - a diet, a pill, a distraction - only to binge tomorrow night again

Truthfully, finally being binge-free has very little to do with food and a lot more to do with subconscious wounds around control, safety, self-worth, and self trust.

You know how to stop binge eating.

You logically know that you should stop eating when you're full.

You logically know what "healthy eating" looks like.

You logically know that your binge urges are more about emotions and less about food.

And yet, you're still binge eating.

That's because you've been focusing too much on the action of binge eating and skipping the part where you heal & rewire the subconscious root reason WHY you have the binge urges in the first place.

So if you want to be binge-free...

  • Truly never binge again...for real! You get to be binge-free!
  • Bake your favorite cookies and have 1-2, easily putting the rest away for later.
  • Knowing you can trust yourself to make healthy portions without portion control containers or tracking calories in MyFitnessPal or Noom.
  • Saying yes to social plans, date nights, and events without a worry or fear that you might spiral into a binge and drive home feeling sick and bloated.
  • Be around snacks and food in the office - and enjoy time with your coworkers - knowing you won't binge on the donuts.
  • Feel fit, happy, healthy, confident - no more feeling so full that you're in pain or sick to your stomach.
  • Easily say NO to more food without feeling like you're restricting yourself.
  • Enjoy sweets and snacks - whether on the weekend or during the week - without getting a case of the "f*ck its" and bingeing the whole container.
  • Eat a meal and stop when you're satisfied or full... not keep eating just because it's in front of you.
  • Be able to take a few bites of something really good, then putting it away when you're satisfied...without spiraling into a binge.
  • Eat say some chocolate/chips/snacks without feeling like you need to binge for comfort
  • Stop using the binge/restrict cycle as a means to have control over something.

Then the key is to learn to regain your sense of control, unconditionally love & trust yourself, and restore safety in your body.

Take it from the 390+ successful students:

" Bingeing just takes such a blow on my mental health, confidence, my social life, and the way I treat people too. I really hate the effects it has on me beyond my food relationship too!"

If you can relate to that feeling, then welcome to...

The Binge-Free Bootcamp is a 3-week healing experience to end your binge eating once and for all - by rewiring the real subconscious ROOT of your urges - so you can feel under control, healthy, and at peace with food again.


The one of a kind, proven healing method that takes women from bingeing and dieting to peace & ease with food using science and spirituality:



Binge eating typically feels out of control...but maybe the idea of restricting a food you *typically* binge on makes you feel in control? Or perhaps you're binge eating to numb out since the rest of your life feels out of control? Either way, control is a huge subconscious root cause of binge eating, so we'll heal and rewire this first.



If you don't feel safe in your body, one action your primal brain will prompt you to take is to eat. Food = safety on a survival level, so if you're feeling emotionally dysregulated or holding onto stored trauma (medical trauma, bullying, stuck emotions), your brain will urge you to eat. When you can restore a sense of safety and security in your body - and root chakra - everything changes.



Binge eating is a form of self-sabotage. Period.

And if you really truly deeply loved yourself unconditionally, you likely wouldn't put yourself through the pain of binge eating. So, let's heal those self-worth wounds - because you DESERVE to feel healthy and radiant!



Don't trust yourself with food? Worried you'll just keep binge eating out of control? This is why you need to work on your trust muscle and intuition before diving fully into intuitively eating. You don't need another meal plan or diet app - you need to learn to trust YOURSELF!



If overwhelming emotions lead you to binge and numb with food, then this isn't a food issue. It's an emotional and energetic capacity issue. Goodbye people pleasing, overwhelm, and fight-or-flight stress - you're no longer invited to this dinner party!! It's time to end the emotional and stress eating and step into peaceful intuitive eating.



What do I do if I feel the binge urge?

What if I do binge - what comes next?

What if I notice that I'm bingeing mid-binge - how do I get out of it before it goes further?

I got you. I'll give you step-by-step guidance on all of your classic binge-eating scenarios.

When your subconscious mind is wired for peaceful control, trust, self-love, and will become so EASY and second-nature to take ACTION that is healthy and loving and safet. AKA - eat intuitively without binges!This is why it works.

What's included inside the Binge-Free Bootcamp👇🏼

  • 6 Healing Modules ($2,500 Value)
  • 3 Live Zoom Sessions ($1,500 Value)
  • Weekly Q&A ($2,000 Value)
  • Healing activations, journaling prompts, reiki energy healings, and meditations to practice in between sessions ($1,000 Value)
  • Lifetime access to all course materials and Zoom recordings (PRICELESS)
  • Telegram Community + Group Chat with daily Audio Drops from Sloane ($1,500 Value)

Total Value: $8,500+

Your investment today: $444 $197

Or choose a flexible payment plan option below! Buy Now, Pay Later available!

Pay In Full

$444 $197 USD

Sign me up!

2-Month Payment Plan

2 x $222 $99 USD/month

Buy Now, Pay Later

As low as $49/month

This Get to Be YOUR Reality!

This Is What You Will Experience As a Result of the Binge-Free Bootcamp:

  • No more binge eating - like ever again
  • Feeling under control with food again - consistently (not just on your "start over" Monday)
  • Releasing stored trauma and danger from your body and root chakra
  • Security, safety, and a regulated nervous system so you feel at peace in your body
  • Being able to enjoy a meal without worrying that you're going to binge
  • Fully trusting yourself to stop when you're full without going overboard
  • Say yes to social plans and events without worrying about a binge trigger
  • Emotional capacity expansion - end the cycle of emotional eating so you can use food for fuel
  • Feeling physically lighter and healthier - no more binge hangover
  • Knowing exactly how to prevent and stop a binge
  • A binge-free, enjoyable, healthy life!!!

It's Time to Meet Your Coach!

Sloane Elizabeth is a holistic wellness coach and food freedom expert specializing in helping women stop dieting, obsessing, restricting, and stressing over food so that they can experience food freedom and body love. She has her degree from Vanderbilt University and is completing her graduate work in Clinical Holistic Nutrition at Maryland University of Integrative Health. She is also a certified Reiki Energy Healer and Yoga Teacher with close to 7 years of coaching experience.

She uses a unique and powerful combination of science and spirituality to help her clients Eat with Love & Intuition™. Sloane is also a published author and has been featured on Food Network, The Doctors, Betches, and Authority Magazine.

Dieting is not the answer to end binge eating.

Neither is meditating, counting calories, portion control, or giving yourself *unconditional permission to eat*.

You've tried that. You know it doesn't work. It's not your fault...the method wasn't set up for your success.

What will work: healing the subconscious root, blocks, and wounds that are unconsciously creating these urges, cycles, and patterns.

And the good news is, you can heal this in 3 weeks. It doesn't have to take 40 years to unlearn a decades-long pattern. You can be binge-free in 3 weeks. It's go time baby! The world is your oyster, and you've got more LIFE to live!!

  • 6 Healing Modules ($2,500 Value)
  • 3 Live Zoom Sessions ($1,500 Value)
  • Weekly Q&A ($2,000 Value)
  • Healing activations, journaling prompts, reiki energy healings, and meditations to practice in between sessions ($1,000 Value)
  • Lifetime access to all course materials and Zoom recordings (PRICELESS)
  • Telegram Community + Group Chat with daily Audio Drops from Sloane ($1,500 Value)

Total Value: $8,500+

Your investment today: $444 $197

Or choose a flexible payment plan option below! Buy Now, Pay Later available!

Pay In Full

$444 $175 USD

2-Month Payment Plan

2 x $222 $99 USD/month

Buy Now, Pay Later

As low as $49/month

Frequently Asked Questions

When do we start?

The course begins August 28, 2024.

How long is the course?

The bootcamp is 3 weeks. You will receive lifetime access to all course materials and replay.

What do I do if I have a question?

Post your question in the Telegram group chat for the community to answer or wait until our 3 weekend Q&A's! This is where you can post your question in the Telegram croup chat and Sloane will give you an in depth answer via a voice note.

How much time is required per week?

There are 6 1-hour modules and optional (but recommended) journaling and homework to do in between calls.

Will this help me lose weight?

This is not a weight loss program. By healing your relationship with your food and ending the binge eating, you might release weight. And you will FOR SURE release mental and emotional weight (which honestly matters more!).

What if it doesn't work for me?

This program will work for you if you work it. It's never NOT worked for a woman who consistently showed up and did all of the modules!

And honestly, the fact that it's worked for 100's of women before you is all the proof that you need: you're not that special to the point where you'd be THE ONE it didn't work for. 😉 Trust your intuition.

When are the live calls?

The schedule and Zoom links will be given upon registration closer to when we begin. All calls are recorded and will be on different days and different times to accommodate as many time zones as possible.

Did Sloane personally struggle with food?

You bet I did! She has an entire podcast episode on it - listen to The Sloane Elizabeth Show episode #2.

How is this different from what I've tried before?

This is healing. This curriculum is deeper than anything you've tried thus far. The combination of subconscious reprogramming + nutritional science + intuitive activation + energy healing cannot be found elsewhere.

What are Sloane's credentials and background?

Sloane has a pre-medicine degree in Medicine, Health, and Society from Vanderbilt University. She is completing her Master's degree in Clinical Holistic Nutrition at Maryland University of Integrative health this winter. She is a 200-Hour Yoga Teacher and is certified in Reiki Energy Healing. Sloane has served over 390 clients in the past 6 years.

Can I talk to Sloane before I enroll?

Sure! DM her on Instagram @sloaneelizabeth to ask any questions you have.