*NEW* Free GUIDE: 5 Steps to End the Vicious Cycle of Restricting and Binge Eating

11-page guide to heal your relationship with food at the core (subconscious root) so you can eat intuitively & experience food freedom.

If you're ready to stop letting food control your life so you can eat intuitively and experience food freedom that lasts - no more weighing, counting, obsessing, or spiraling out of control - click download now for this exclusive, free, guide!

Hey beauty, I'm your coach!

Sloane Elizabeth


I’m Sloane Elizabeth, a food freedom coach, holistic wellness expert, and creator of the Eat with Love & Intuition method. I help women heal their relationships with food using science and spirituality so they can finally ditch obsession, guilt, shame, and restrictive control for good. Unlike other coaches, I will never tell you what to eat or how to live - instead, I empower my clients to tap into their soul’s intuition and unique body cues in order to make the most aligned, high-vibe decisions for their holistic health.

I've helped over 200 women on 5 continents heal their relationships with food, body image, and self-love - whether you've been struggling for 4 months or 4 decades, I can help you experience peace & joy with food again.

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